Saturday, November 13, 2010

Back to Being Boys!

After weeks of off-and-on sick, I am declaring a state of good health, (at least at this moment) and hope that by so doing, the 24-hour recurring miserable pukey stuff we've been wading through around here will be gone forever!

Daniel has had the roughest time of it. I think he's had it 4 or 5 times off and on over the last month. Caleb and Liam have each gotten lesser versions of it twice. But we've all been suffering from Cabin Fever. So we took advantage of our first day back in the land of the living. We decided to have a picnic lunch at the park by our house. It was a perfect autumn day, warm enough for no coats, but cool enough to not get hot.
I guess this deer thought it was the perfect day as well. We saw him laying down in the shade under the trees. He let us get pretty close before he walked off. The boys had so much fun walking along the American river and playing in the dirt--of course. Back to business as usual I guess. I was so glad to see them all up and healthy that I didn't mind the dirt a bit.

I thought this tree, with half of it's long twisted roots half exposed, was so cool. I would love to go back there and take a family picture.

Daniel was so proud when he found these gross crab claws. Yuck. Hand sanitizer to the rescue.

The boys have tried to collect leaves from the neighbors this year, but haven't gotten enough to really play in. There was a huge pile at the park which was great entertainment.

Days like these are what makes being a mom of boys the best job ever!


kristin said...

Is that the tree you were talking about??? That's way cool! Might be a little tricky though getting some photos. I would love to see it up close.

Mandy said...

Holy cow! All the moms blogs I follow have sick kids. It must being going around. Thanks for sending me your address.

Mandy said...

Oh yeah. Were you a photographer in your previous life? Your pics are awesome.