Sunday, November 20, 2011

From the Mouths of Boys

One night at dinner Nathan told the boys that if they didn't beat "Mommy" eating, they wouldn't get any dessert. A moment later Caleb asked if I would come help him on the potty. As I left the table, Daniel put his hands together (like in traditional prayer) and looked up at the ceiling and said very sincerely, "Thank you Heavenly Father". We are told to thank the Lord in all things right? Well, Daniel was thankful that I'd been called away from the table so he could finish in time to get dessert. I think we'd do well to follow suit. The Lord is in the details of our lives.

On Halloween day before trick or treating, Liam asked me what holiday came next I explained that next was Thanksgiving and then Christmas. He was thrilled. "Tomorrow we get turkey and then we get Christmas!" He didn't like hearing that there were a few weeks in between, but I assured him that he'd need the time to eat his Halloween candy. As a mom, I feel like from Halloween to Christmas seems to fly by in fast forward--almost as fast as Liam.

Today Liam told me that if I'd let him play his game he'd be "as quiet as a jelly bean". I've never heard that analogy, but it made me smile. Why not? Jelly beans, in my experience, are extremely quiet. I guess the Halloween candy is still on the brain.

Caleb told me that someday he wants to be human. I laughed and told him that he already is. He responded, "No I'm not human, I'm just a kid!" I believe there is some truth to that statement. Actually, I'm not sure which is better, to be "human" or to be a kid.

Caleb just came in and asked me to help him wash chocolate off his hands. ( That means that while I was typing, he was silently scooting a chair into the kitchen and climbing up to the treat cupboard.) I asked him where he got the chocolate and he responded, "I'm not going to tell you about that!" Actually, it was a dumb question. The chocolatey hands and smile say it all.