Wednesday, May 13, 2009

For the Birds

Each time Grandpa Bohman comes to town our boys get excited to do a project with him. Grandma and Grandpa bought Daniel and Liam their own tool belts; complete with rainbow suspenders, goggles, and hard hats (with real, little tools)! Last time Grandpa was here they built and painted wood boats that they floated in the pond at the park. This time Daniel had a request for Grandpa. He loves the bird houses he's seen at our neighbor's home, so he asked Grandpa to help him build one of his very own (actually he wanted to build a surfboard too, but maybe we'd better get some swimming lessons first). They all had a good time building and painting them.
We hung them in the plum tree in the back yard. The boys can't wait for the birds to move in. They were worried a few evenings ago that we would scare the birds if we went outside! Actually, that is quite a change for my boys. Usually when we go to Costco they try to scare away all of the birds hanging out by the food court. I get quite a few questioning looks as I wheel in my cart of 3 boys--all growling, and roaring in their most ferocious voices, hanging out of the cart towards the closest bird. I'm sure people question their sanity (or perhaps mine for bringing them out in public). At the park, their sport is chasing all of the sitting or sleeping ducks off of the dirt and sending them, wings flapping, in a dust cloud, back to the pond.

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