Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Force is Strong With This One

Last night as we were about to leave Target, Daniel stood (legs apart as if bracing himself) infront of the automatic doors and reached his hands out, fingers spread. Then he instructed us to move through, "Hurry, I'll hold it..." He was using the force to open and close the doors for us and it totally worked! A jedi sure comes in handy when you shop. Liam caught on to what he was doing and helped as well. There's no telling what would have happened to us if they hadn't moved those heavy doors with the force--I'd likely still be there! Boys are the best!


kristin said...

THAT IS THE CUTEST THING EVER!!! What would we do without our boys. Well, I probably could start a list, but then that wouldn't be very fun now would it?!? JUST KIDDING. Well, mostly:)

itsthebaileys said...

How I laughed at that. My boys think the same thing, but it is me that they think is magic. I will let them think that for as long as possible ;)

mandie said...

oh...those dads and their jedi influences...

Kim said...

HAHA, how cute!

Stephanie said...

dillon did the same thing when he was little. he said he was yoda, and he really thought he was the one making the door open. kids are so funny!