Thursday, June 24, 2010

How Does It Feel to Ride An Elephant?

"Like a car in an earthquake...bump, bump, bump!" --Daniel

And Daniel would know. Despite his major fear of heights, he climbed on a huge (20,000 lbs-if I remember correctly) elephant, with Caleb, Liam and me at 6 Flags. He wasn't sure at first, but in the end he thought it was a lot of fun. I was so proud of him. It was not a smooth ride. Huge up and downs, but my boys were brave and had lots of fun. We sang "Jumbo Elephant" as we rode. What an adventure!

Stinky fingers! The boys each got to feed the sea lions a fish. Gross! I was the one who didn't want to participate in this activity. But the boys sure had fun.
We had all of the usual fun on the train, Harold the helicopter, and going through the shark tube (2x--Liam and Daniel love the sword fish--huge with very human eyes--eerie!). We also enjoyed the Shuka show (killer whale), the dolphin show, and the tiger show.

We spent a little time at the sting ray tank and all of the boys got to feel them. It's a wonder they didn't fall into the water. Nathan was holding them way out over the water to reach them. Actually, they each got to pet quite a few and they were really excited. Caleb kept saying, "Again, Spash!"
Another fun full day of adventure. We love summer--if only Daddy could be off work more often.

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