Saturday, February 12, 2011

Definitely a Happy Birthday!

Last week I turned 33. Wow! Already?? Time flies when you're having fun. --Either that or my memory isn't what it used to be.

My boys and many others made sure it really was a Happy Birthday. Nathan had to leave early for work, but Liam had planned on making me breakfast in bed. It wasn't in bed, but Liam pulled out the eggo waffles and toaster and made me and his brothers each a waffle with syrup. He also got Caleb some yogurt and insisted on pouring me a bowl of cereal as well. Daniel woke up in time to make everyone hot cocoa, and made sure mine was in the 'mom mug' he gave me for Christmas. Boy, am I spoiled!

During breakfast we read the story of Ruth and Naomi. Daniel said that Heavenly Father blessed me for my birthday to read a girl scripture story.

On our way to school we found that someone (MaryAnn-the best visiting teacher ever) had left a birthday banner on the fence (she also offered to watch the boys for me so Nathan and I can go to the temple). After taking Daniel to school, Caleb and I went with Liam for his preschool Valentines party. The kids had fun making pizza and cupcakes. The preschool sang to me. Then they each passed out their Valentines. Liam and Caleb had fun. When we got home Liam asked, "Where are your presents, Mom? It's your birthday, you're supposed to get presents!" I assured him that making breakfast was a nice present and that Daddy would give me a present when he got home from work. But apparently Liam thought that wasn't enough. A minute later he collected his Valentines candy and brought it over to me and told me that the candy could be my present. How sweet! I told him he could keep his candy, but I would like a Liam hug.

Later that afternoon our bishop called to wish me a Happy Birthday. He calls everyone in our ward for their birthday. What an amazing guy. I know it was just a couple of minutes in conversation, but that is a huge commitment when you consider the time it takes on a daily basis. I guess it's the little things that really show you that someone cares.

I was totally surprised to receive a generous gift card to Chili's from a woman in my ward. She just said she wanted a young couple to have a chance to go out. I was so touched. I hope to one day pay it forward. So for my birthday dinner we went to Chili's! No cooking or cleaning up--that is a huge gift. Plus the food was really yummy.

For my birthday Nathan totally surprised me with a kindle. I love reading and with our trip to Utah around the corner it was very timely. He also included some great books. As if that wasn't enough, Nathan also got me the Mario Brothers game. Laugh if you must, but I always wanted it as a kid. It was the one thing that my parents told us they would never get us. (I've tried playing and I'm really terrible at it. But it is fun in a silly kind of way.)

With Nathan's late work nights, we didn't have time to make our traditional cutout cake before leaving for Utah (besides our neighbor Jean brought over cupcakes). Nathan might have thought he'd escaped, but I informed him that we would continue to celebrate my birthday until he made it.;) He did come through in the end with a Mario cake!
I am horrible at remembering other people's birthdays, so I felt a little embarrassed but blessed to have so many friends this year go out of their way to send cards etc. You are all so sweet. Thank you. My birthday was wonderful!

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