Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Don't Want to Go to Heaven

Yesterday, while we were eating lunch Daniel said to me, "Mom, I don't want to go to Heaven." I thought someone had possibly said something to him about death, but I couldn't think of anyone with reason. He did just start a 4 week long preschool last week. Maybe someone in his class. So I asked him why he didn't want to go to Heaven. Daniel's answer was surprising, "I am scared to be up high! I might look down or fall." I had to laugh a little to myself about his response, but to my Daniel, a fear of heights is very real. I explained to him that when we go to live with Heavenly Father that he takes away all of our fears and hurt. I'm not sure he quite believed me when I told him that with Heavenly Father he would no longer be scared of heights. He also told me he would miss me if I wasn't there yet. (Good thing he said yet.) I told him I'd beat him there and that I'd be so excited for him to be there with me. Kids are a huge motivation to do what's right. I guess it's good Daniel is thinking about Heaven-- we should all contemplate what that eternity will mean to us and our loved ones.


akagi79 said...

Too cute! What a great answer you gave! It's all so hard to understand soemtimes. You a such a great Mom!!

Kim said...

I love 1st birthdays! They are always so fun and unpredictable.
I love Daniel's comment, little kids always have the best things to say.

kristin said...

That's so sweet!! Such a deep thinker! And you're right, we should all contemplate heaven more often. Gives us much needed perspective! Love Calob's birthday pictures!!! He's so cute!

Cheralyn said...

What a sweetheart! I love it when kids are so honest with what they are thinking, and you can practically see the wheels in their heads working as they try to understand concepts.

Cristi Lou said...

Happy birthday Caleb. Cute ideas for the cakes. What a good little mommy you are! Your boys are so cute too!