Sunday, July 26, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We packed up the van after the movie so we could leave early. It was 3 AM CA time. I actually prefer an additional hour of sleep, but Nathan drives most of the way so we let him make the decision. It was nice to make it all the way to Elko before the boys woke up. Daniel would have slept longer but we made him go in to McDonald’s with us for some breakfast. The boys stretched their legs in the play place while Nathan filled up the van with gas. It was so early that the kids had the entire place to themselves. We let Caleb play too and he learned how to crawl up to the top of the slide! Yikes. Daniel crawled up behind him to help and then they slid down together. It was really cute. That was probably one of Caleb’s favorite parts of the vacation. He was so proud of himself. He would have stayed in the slide all day if we’d let him.

There was construction going on all over for the drive back but we made good time. All of us were glad to make it home. Our sweet neighbors Brad and GG (who’ve been adoptive grandparents to my boys) had been watering, feeding the fish, collecting the mail, taking the garbage out, etc. But they went over and above and trimmed back the roses for us (which desperately needed it before we left, but we just ran out of time). Maybe we should leave town more often—something might actually get done around here! The boys were so excited to find that they’d left little treat bags for them on the table with a, ‘welcome home, we missed you!” sign. Then a few hours later they came over with a plate of frosted cupcakes! The boys were excited to see them again and after a round of hugs and kisses they dove into the cupcakes. We do miss family being in CA, but we have the greatest neighbors ever.

Shortly after we returned the boys climbed into their pool to cool off--in their clothes! Over the next three days we took pictures in the pool...clothes, swimming suits, or bare naked--they don't care.

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