Sunday, July 25, 2010

Draconic Punishments

Liam got in trouble for not listening or obeying when he was supposed to be putting on his PJs tonight. I told him that we would no longer just be sitting on a chair for time out, but that he'd have to stand and put his nose in the corner. He looked at us very hard and asked very seriously, "Does that mean you'll cut it off?" It was impossible to stay mad. I broke out laughing. Nathan had to show him what it meant to stand with your nose in the corner. I love the funny moments that help you see past the frustrating ones. Liam's nose is safe for now.

1 comment:

The Polka Dot Apron said...

I love it love it love it!!! We, too, have had to resort to corner time. It's nice because no matter where you are in the world, there is a corner SOMEWHERE- so no lesson goes un-learned! Kolton thought time-outs were funny so we had to do corners instead. I'll have to tell Wes that one!