Sunday, May 22, 2011

Moving to Utah!

Since we had Daniel seven years ago, we've talked about how nice it would be to one day live close to family. We would love for our boys to be closer to their grandparents and cousins. We would love to enjoy family year-round and go on a vacation somewhere other than Utah...

When Nathan heard there was an opening in the Office of Legislative Research and General Council in SLC, Utah, we knew the chances would be slim, but decided we had nothing to lose. If nothing else, it would be good for Nathan to brush up his resume and practice his interviewing skills. Well 238 people applied for that one job! Yikes. (We told the Lord that if this would be a good move for our family, then our answer would be to get a job offer.) Neither one of us dared seriously consider that Nathan would get the job. I should have known better. He has always been mindful of what he should do next to prepare himself if any opportunities should arise. He is a very hard worker. Nathan you are amazing! And yes, he got the job! I am so proud of him.

I think we're all in shock here. We thought that if the job was offered, we'd have at least a few months to prepare for a move, but they need Nathan to start June 14th! So Utah here we come!

With this move comes a roller coaster of emotions. We are so excited to be with family. We are so sad to leave the great people we've grown to love over the past 9 years in California. There will always be special place in our heart for Sacramento where we've made so many happy memories, bought a home, and even had three kids. We're excited to think of owning a house with a little more elbow room, but so sad to leave my new kitchen. (Actually, when it comes down to it, although it is small, I really love most of the house. We've worked so hard to make it our own. I'm proud of how far it has come--Unfortunately, the current market won't give us anything for our pains, but hopefully we'll be able to rent it out.) We'll really miss living near the ocean and I don't know what kids do for so long during the snowy winter. (Yes, I lived there as a kid, but I really don't remember! I'll also have to relearn how to drive in the white stuff.) I am excited to live in the gorgeous mountains again. They are not only beautiful, but functional as well--I always know which direction I'm going in Utah just by looking at the mountains. That is extremely handy because I've almost no sense of direction.

Many people we know are very opinionated about Utah, both for and against. Personally, having lived there and elsewhere, I feel that there are great people and not-so-great people anywhere you go. There are great experiences and not-so-great experiences anywhere you go. I guess it's not a matter of good or bad, just different. Hopefully, we'll add some good of our own to wherever we end up.


itsthebaileys said...

I'm so happy for you and your family to move closer to grandparents and cousins. This is a dream for us one day, also. Hope everything goes smoothly for your move. Hopefully one day we can be neighbors again!

kristin said...

So sad you are leaving Michelle! You are on my top ten list of amazing people! Okay, you would be if I had a list, but either way, I think very highly of you:) Good luck with everything. Are you on Facebook? I just joined, under duress it would seem, but if you are that is a great way to keep in touch. Love to you and Nathan!

Kim said...

WOW! That is a big change really quick! I'm happy for you guys, it'll be so nice to be close to family. Now you can vacay in Cali! :-)
Hope everything goes smoothly for you.