Monday, July 25, 2011

Fortune Cookies Never Lie

The other night we had Chinese and gave the boys our fortune cookies. Caleb's was something generic like, "happiness can be found close". Liam opened his to read something like, "A romance will soon blossom". (We laughed, but then Kylee McDonald came to town from CA this week and it was really fun to watch the two together--who knows). We read Daniel his fortune which said, "You will succeed in the career path you have chosen." We explained to Daniel that it meant he would do well in the job he picks. (In this job market that is a great fortune to get!) His reply, "Yes! I'm going to be a Jedi!" I wonder what kind of pay a Jedi gets? Do they have good benefits? (They should, afterall, it wouldn't cost the Jedi Council much since they're not supposed to become emotionally or romantically attached--no family health care.) Could we be reimbursed for all of the Star Wars stuff we've bought--just call it job training?!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Lol. I love the way your mind works! And I'm telling Jason about this when he gets home, he'll be cracking up!