Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Leave it to Liam

Today we read in the scriptures about wicked King Noah. After he killed the prophet Abinadi he too was burned at the stake. Liam's comment was great. "Ha Ha, he was burned like a steak! That is so silly." I guess it's true that you can read the scriptures over and over again and always get something new out of them.

Out of the blue, on our way up to Logan Liam asked, "Is God Spanish?" (I had no idea where that came from. It cracked me up a bit.) I tried to figure out what he was talking about. Did he mean what language does God speak or what His nationality is? I told him that God may have a perfect language, but he can understand everyone that talks to him in any language. I asked why he thought God might be Spanish. He said he was remembering the missionary movie that we've watched. I think he must mean The Other Side of Heaven--one of my favorites. It's actually not Spanish but Tongan that they're speaking. I think any language that is not English right now he calls Spanish. I guess the most important part of the answer to his question would be that we are made in God's likeness. We are his children and he know and understands us all. I love it when Liam lets me in on what he's pondering.

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