Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Good News is It's Not Broken

While we were out at the park today Caleb somehow managed to hurt his arm. I noticed that he wasn't using left arm when he was playing and didn't even use it to catch himself when he fell. I took him in for x-rays and luckily it isn't broken. Unfortunately, he is still in a lot of pain. The doctor thinks his elbow or shoulder popped out of the socket. The doctor tried to pop it back in, but couldn't tell if it worked. (Ouch! Yikes! Sorry, Little Man!) We'll have to wait and see how he's doing tomorrow.

UPDATE: Caleb was not gripping anything by the next morning, so I had to take him in again. Fortunately, just before we went into the appointment he grabbed my arm and the doctor decided it was proof enough that he was on the mend. (No more tugging and pulling! Thank goodness, it looked like they were breaking his arm.) By the next morning he seemed to be back to his normal rough-housing and exploring. When I called my mom she said she wasn't at all surprised, after all he was MY son. I thought I'd only had my arm out once, but apparently it happened quite often. Why is it that we pass along so many of our greatest genes--too bad we can't pick just the best of each parent to create a new and improved model. Sorry Caleb.

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