Sunday, December 11, 2011

Santa Knows His Stuff

A week or so ago, we took the boys to see Santa, but, as we walked up, Caleb informed me that he was just a "fake Santa". I took it in stride and told him that this was one of Santa's helpers and that he still had to tell him what he wanted so he could pass it along to the real one. I have no idea where he got the idea that this wasn't the real one, after all, he's only three and his brothers weren't debating his authenticity. Oh well, we went up to take a picture and "Fake" Santa asked Caleb what he wanted. Caleb told Santa that he wants a Clone Trooper. Caleb can be a little tough to understand so I tried to clarify by saying, "You know a trooper from Star Wars." Santa turned back to Caleb and said, "Do you want a trooper from Tatooine or Hoth?" Caleb said,"Not Tatooine". Nathan and I looked at each other and grinned huge grins--Who knew that Santa was a Star Wars geek too? Liam requested a Star Wars transformer. Last of all Daniel talked to Santa. He told him he'd like a telescope. Santa asked him what he'd like to see with it. Daniel said he wanted to see the constellation Serius (we took the boys to the BYU astronomy star show when they did a Harry Potter version--very cool). So Santa says, "Oh you want to see the constellation of the dog..."and he went on about it! I don't know what the boys thought, but I'm a believer! I think it was something like the little girl in Miracle on 34th street who sees Santa sign to a deaf girl and speak in other languages to others--Wow!

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