Monday, September 8, 2008

"Where did you hear that?"

Being a parent is full of lots of surprises and laughs... particularly by some of the things your kids say. A little while back I was driving with the boys in the car when Daniel exclaimed, "He cut you off! He's a jerk!" I was in shock. Remaining calm, I said, "That's not a very nice thing to say. Where did you hear that?". Daniel replied, "From Daddy." I then told Daniel that we might need to help teach Daddy not to say things like that. Daniel sighed and said, "He won't learn." Ha, ha.

After returning from Scout camp with Nate, Daniel came home and used the word 'crap.' Once again I tried to explain that it was not a word we should use. When I proceded to ask Daniel where he heard it, he said, "On Curious George." Yeah, right! Admittingly, it is pretty funny, but I had to remain composed when I told him, "Well, if they say things like that on Curious George, we won't get to watch it anymore." What next??? :)

1 comment:

Andrea G. said...

With Nate's driving, that's no surprise. I just think it's great Daniel called him on it!

Big shocker, learning something like that at scout camp! Ha,ha. It's a good thing we don't all sit around the dinner table and ask what they learned upon return from camp... I think we might be scared if we knew all the details!