Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just for Kicks!

Daniel not only started school but also started playing soccer recently. He has had fun over the past few weeks practicing with his Mather friends (it's a bit of a drive, but we wanted Daniel to have a fun first exposure to organized sports).

The coach is a high school varsity basketball coach, helps with the football team, and has coached many soccer teams as well. With the coach's experience, I worried that it might all be too competative. But the coach has a son on the team and seems to laugh and enjoy the kids as much as the rest of us do from the sideline. He is really patient with all of these little guys who don't know which way to run, and who get confused about when it's ok to use your hands.
We arrived early for the 3rd practice and while we were walking over Liam pointed out an airplane flying over us. I was a little confused when Daniel refused to look and said, "I can't look, it's a rule!" The coach overheard and laughed a bit as he explained that he'd told the kids the first day, "The rules are no picking dandelions or grass, no watching airplanes, and no holding onto the flags." He was impressed at Daniel's listening and so was I. Maybe I could pay him off to add in a few rules for me....put your socks in the dirty clothes, pick up your toys before you leave the room, and don't tease your brothers.
Daniel's first game was Saturday. We had a full day with two birthday parties and soccer. I dropped off Daniel and Nathan at the soccer field while I took Liam to a birthday party then I rejoined them at the soccer field. Before I had made it back (only missed the first 10 minutes) Daniel had already scored his first goal! I was happy for him, but sorry I'd missed it. He must have understood how I felt because he went on to score 2 more goals and blocked 3 goals (when he was goalie). Wow! Nathan and I were so impressed.
At one point I tried to explain that as goalie you can move up a few feet from the goal to stop the incoming balls. Daniel turned to me and said, "No thank you, Mom." That is so Daniel.
We were so excited when we looked at the pictures and saw Daniel smiling in all of them. I'm so glad he's having a fun time. I love the
way they've set it up for his team. At this age they don't keep score. They use smaller boundaries, and they rotate players in and out a lot to make sure everyone gets lots of different playing time. They were all so excited at the end of the game to go through the tunnel as we all cheered on both teams. It was really fun. I guess I'm officially a soccer mom driving a mini van. --I don't even mind!


Kimberly said...

Hey, I'd love to send you an invite to my blog, but I don't have your email address!

Andrea G. said...

her email is :). Anyway, I love hearing the details of Daniel playing soccer... especially the coaches rules about no looking at airplanes and picking flowers, etc. The best is that he was so concerned right before practice started about not breaking the rules! I'm glad he's doing so well :)