Saturday, August 22, 2009

Down and Dirty- Camping, Beach and Point Reyes

Using up every last bit of summer, we drove down near Point Reyes on the last weekend before school started, to take our boys camping. They were so excited. They had such a fun time playing in the dirt with their friends, picking berries, roasting marshmellows, visiting the lighthouse, and especially spending a day at the beach.

After the boys were all tucked in for the night, it was fun for Nathan and me to catch up with our friends as well. We are so lucky to know such great, fun people. (We are also thankful that the campsight didn't burn down due to the huge log that the guys scavenged for the fire--they said they got it from a troll.) It was a fitting end to a summer of fun. Next time I'm bringing an airmatress though!


Andrea G. said...

That looks like a blast. I love the pictures... but wish I was IN some of them (that would mean I got to be with you guys too:) !). Hope Nate had a Happy Birthday!!-- remember when I wrote that nice birthday post for him a year ago? ha,ha.

shaleen said...

I can't believe how big all of your boys are. They are so handsome!!! You guys look like you had a great summer.

Michelle you look so good for having three babies!! What is the secret to your success??

My blog is if you are interested.

Hope all is well.
