Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kindergarten-Zoo Field Trip

Daniel has been talking about the kindergarten's field trip to the zoo for more than 2 months now. Finally, it came. I got a babysitter for Liam and Caleb so I could spend some one-on-one time with him. The kids were so excited as we waited for the bus. Actually, I don't know which was more fun for the kindergartners, the bus ride or the zoo itself. They sang songs the whole way there. Lots of the kids chose to sit away from their parents, but I was glad that Daniel wanted me to sit with him. (I guess I'm still cool enough--at least for today!) Daniel loved the bus driver's mirror and his radio. He liked finding the cool emergency exits (especially the door in the ceiling). It was funny to me to remember how much I hated riding the bus as a kid. Daniel asked for the window side (as if the bus gave him a whole new view--you'd think he was requesting the window seat on a plane). Daniel waved at cars and trucks--very proud to be the one on the bus. The kids sang most of the way to the zoo.

Daniel had fun at the zoo. His favorites were the orangutans, giraffes, kangaroos, ostriches, hyenas, and (of course) the chimps that looked liked they had a serious case of hemorrhoids. The group also had fun in the reptile house. They especially liked watching a snake with half of a mouse still hanging out of its mouth. Imagine all our excitement when a little while later we got to watch a bird eating and playing with a mouse of its own!
All of the wild things (our kindergartners--not the animals) had worked up an appetite of their own so we finished the trip with a picnic lunch. Daniel got a special chocolate treat all the way from Germany (Thanks Grandma). Then more fun on the bus ride home.

I have totally loved being with Daniel this year in his class. I am so proud of him. I love him so much. I hope he will let me sit next to him for many years to come.

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