Monday, December 13, 2010

Nathan's Talk on Service

This Sunday Nathan gave a talk on Christmas Service. The other speaker was really good, but took up nearly all of the time. There were also two musical numbers, which shortened things. Daniel kept saying, "Isn't it Daddy's turn yet?" The boys entertained themselves by making faces at Nathan up on the stand. I'm sure the bishopric and visiting member of the Stake Presidency enjoyed that. Nathan is a great speaker and I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to hear his whole talk. Nathan had just enough time to share a few short stories about Christmas service.

I was thinking about it this morning and the thought came to me that Nathan's example of Christmas service is more powerful than anything he could say over the pulpit. I am so thankful for his generosity to others. It is so great to marry someone who can help you make up for the areas that you fall short. I tend to be too judgemental of others that I see out begging for food etc. Nathan always gives a little and says, "I'll try to do my part, and leave the rest up to the Lord." I hope my boys remember that. It's just like in the scriptures when it talks about, "when saw ye me hungry and gave me food...." and "when ye have done it unto the least of these my bretheren...." Nathan is also always ready to offer priesthood blessings. Recently, one of my visiting teachees was going in for her final oral exam to become a US citizen. She was very nervous to say the least. Nathan gave her a blessing and I brought the boys with us so they could watch. I hope they see their daddy's example and do the same some day. (She passed the exam and said she felt the Lord prepared her way.) Anyway, I love you Nathan and I am so thankful for your selfless service.

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