Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ghirdelli...Not Rice-a-Roni

After spending the day at Dunes Beach we decided to have some fun in San Fran. We watched a few street performers and our favorite, the bushman, made Nathan part of his act! (He hides behind a bush clipping and jumps out to scare unsuspecting pedestrians--Nathan.) Since our boys are train fanatics Grandpa and Grandma got us trolley tickets too. The line was an hour or so wait, and with three little ones (we like to blame it on them) we decided we needed sustenance. So, the real San Francisco treat is not actually rice-a-roni, but as any of you who've visited the bay know, it's Ghirdelli chocolate. To be fair, nothing can compete with chocolate. Grandma and I hiked up to Ghirdelli Square with Daniel and Caleb. We enjoyed the free samples and even bought a big bag back to the trolley line to share with Liam, Grandpa, and Nathan. Caleb ODed, as did Liam, which was evidenced by their sticky brown smiles!
Just before we reached the front of the line, Caleb soaked through his pants and I had to change him standing up as the line moved to board the trolley. Of course, all of the extra clothes and jackets were in the van, so Caleb was pantless for the ride. He didn't act cold, although it was getting chilly outside. A few trolley riders did see his bare legs and gave me withering glances to show their disapproval. On the opposite end of the trolley line Grandma bought him a new pair of shorts so we wouldn't get reported before we made it back to our van. (With all of the strangeness in San Fran, you'd think no one would've noticed one pantless baby.) The trolley ride was fun. Daniel gave it a mixed review because he loves trains but is very afraid of heights (the trolley ride includes San Fran's famous steep hills). He didn't say much on the ride, but he did talk about it after. Grandma bought Liam a warm jacket when we stopped to eat clam chowder and sour dough. He absolutely loves it. In fact he asks to wear it even when it is 90 degrees outside! What a fun trip.

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