Sunday, May 24, 2009

New Skin

Daniel told me on his birthday that he needed new skin. I asked him why and he said that his old skin was too small and he needed 5-year-old skin now. Makes sense. It is funny how we assume that a birthday, just a day on a calendar, should change everything. After his friends left from his birthday party Daniel told me that his next birthday would be a GI Joe party. I still hadn't gotten things picked up from the last one, so I will ignore requests for the next 10 or 11 months! I guess I'll just take it as a compliment that he must have loved his Star Wars birthday. Daniel, I love you.


Kim said...

HAHA, how cute! My kids are the same way, planning their next party before the first one is over with. I take it as a compliment too, that they are having fun!

Unknown said...

Michelle, you are still as beautiful as the day we met. We are loving our mission in Maine. It is nearly over though (sad) but we have enjoyed being close to my 92 year old dad for a year. Your kids are wonderful. I am so glad you have them. I know you worried so. We still think of you. Love, Sister Tanner