Monday, May 4, 2009

Frogs, Snails, Puppydog Tails and ...Curls?

Liam is definately all boy. He loves to dig in the dirt and play with worms and roly poly bugs. Right now he brings a GI Joe jet or tank with him just about everywhere he goes. So I have to laugh when I think of all the hours I have spent trying to make my hair curl like his. Yes, I'm jealous. When Liam's hair gets wet it curls perfectly. I can't bring myself to cut it. It can get out of control sometimes which is pretty hilarious. It is especially funny when he insists on wearing his winter hat and mittens in our 75-90 degree weather, or he puts on his dragon Halloween costume.

Liam just turned 3 in March. We thought we'd get away with a little family party with Brad and GG (adoptive grandparents across the street), but afterward Liam asked when his friends were coming for his "Dragon" birthday party. I guess he's old enough to remember Daniel's past birthdays. So we invited over a couple of his friends and had a Dragon Birthday. I made a 2nd dragon cake and the kids made dragon paperbag puppets, they did dragon bowling, and a dragon egg hunt. Liam wore his dragon costume all day. It wasn't easy to get pictures because Liam decided he should be the photographer. I guess we should have gotten him a camera for his birthday.

1 comment:

Andrea G. said...

I'm jealous too! It was a little sad cutting Jonas' curls off during his 1st haircut... but he's still pretty cute. Part of me wants to let it grow again to see if the curl will come back-- but I don't want him to have a mullett either! Haha. Cute pictures.

The Dragon Party sounds like lots of fun too!