Saturday, November 21, 2009

Daniel is a Class Act

Yesterday we went to Daniel's first Parent Teacher Conference. He is doing such a great job. He is at or above where he should be in every area. We are so proud of all of his hard work. His teachers comments were: "Daniel is a role model to all students. He is an excellent citizen in the classroom. He is always helpful and a good friend to others. In all academic areas he's meeting expectations for this point in the year, but he's also meeting some grade level standards for the end of kindergarten! We are so proud of him. We love having Daniel in our class!" Daniel also received two awards from the school. The first was a citizenship award and the second was a Principal's Award for academics (in kindergarten that means he knows all of his sight words).

That's what we like to hear. Way to go. To celebrate we went out for chocolate milkshakes. (Any excuse right?!)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

That is so great! It always is so gratifying when our kuds show others how great they are! But it is a bigger compliment to the parent!! Good job Michelle & Nate!