Friday, November 20, 2009

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Today it was raining cats and dogs, so naturally Liam insisted on walking to pick up Daniel from kindergarten. Actually, I have to admit that I love walking with my boys in the rain. They love it and I love watching them. They get drenched inside and out. All coats, boots, hoods and hats are merely to show other parents that I am a "responsible adult", they don't really keep my boys dry. They splash in every puddle, and follow the water to every drain. Daniel's teacher must have thought we were insane (and maybe she is right). She actually offered us a ride home, but Daniel wanted his turn at emptying all the puddles between the school and our house. Once we made it home the boys splashed in the gutter in front of our house for a little while. I lured them back inside with hot chocolate. So they dumped a puddle or two out of their boots, hung up drenched coats, and peeled off sopping socks, and pants. I hate laundry, but a walk in the rain is totally worth it! Today I also brought in some beautiful roses from the front yard. The rain tends to ruin the blooms so I figured I'd bring some in to enjoy for a while. They smell so great. I love living here where I can still cut fresh roses from our garden in November.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

What a good mama you are. Those boys are lucky. :)