Sunday, November 22, 2009

What next?

Every time we turn around Caleb is into something. This morning we were wrapping some sub-for-Santa gifts with the boys. Caleb got tired of us taking away scissors, tape, and wrapping paper so he went around the corner to the kitchen. It was much too quiet, so we should have known, but we didn't think about it until Daniel told us that Caleb was painting himself and the floor. (The watercolors were still wet from Daniel and Liam's art project last night). So here's to modern art! Luckily watercolors are easy to clean up and we hadn't dressed him for church yet. His brothers thought it was fun to see the bathwater turn colors when I put him in!
Last week we caught Caleb painting the kitchen wall with Daniel's yogurt (left unattended). I'm laughing because it seems like all of the pictures we take of Caleb lately are the messes he's made and covered himself in. Earlier this week he climbed up the toilet onto the bathroom counter, plugged the sink and turned on the water. Unfortunately, we didn't catch on until there was a waterfall. This morning I found pencil scribbled on the wall in the kitchen next to the back door. I wonder who did that??? What a cute little stinker.

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