Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Child's Prayer

Every night as I listen to my boys' prayers I think, "I should write that down." But it comes and goes and I forget. So here's a little insight into my boys' conversations with their Heavenly Father. Caleb nearly always tells the Lord about the time we saw a Diesel train and the man on the back dropped a flare on the road. We've all had friends that tell us the same story over and over again. I know there's the thing about vain repetitions...But shouldn't we all talk to God like we talk to our closest friend? We should strive to bring him closer and closer. I remember one prayer Caleb gave a few weeks ago and he said a knock knock joke. He even had a good laugh over it (as did I). The Lord must have a great sense of humor. That prayer must have been so refreshing. Tonight Caleb included, "No Dementors" in his list of things he's thankful for. (I had to giggle a little.) I do like Harry Potter. Today we were trying to do some potty training. Caleb hates wearing 'big boy underwear'. I tried to bribe him with treats, but he wouldn't be persuaded. I tried forcing them on, hoping I could distract him and he'd just forget he was wearing them--he pulled them off 3 or 4 times. Finally, I told him he could watch some Harry Potter if he'd wear them...BINGO! He put them on. (I might give thanks for Harry Potter in my prayers tonight--and you know what I'm asking for help with.) Caleb also talks to Heavenly Father about Jesus' owies and his own. I hope that he will continue that conversation and begin to realize that our Savior has felt all his pains and can heal them. Caleb remembers to bless Liver--Rubeus Hagrid (our beta fish--amazing that he can remember the whole name/nick name that his brothers gave it), the snail and Khuli loaches (in the tank with the beta). What 2 year old prays about Khuli loaches???--not just 'fish'. I guess that answer to that question is, Nathan's son. He gets that from his Daddy. Lately, Liam brown noses a lot in his prayers... "We're thankful we have the best mom and dad ever! I'm thankful that our family is so fun. Bless us to be obedient." I'm not complaining. Maybe if he says it a lot he'll believe it--or we will. Tonight Liam's prayers were all about Leprechauns. In December I remember a lot of prayers that included Santa. Kind of a funny mix. Actually, I was thinking today about a certain religious group that likes to knock on my door. I feel so bad for their kids, because they don't get to celebrate like we do (they seem to show up while I'm baking birthday cake or decorating for the holidays). We are told, "men are that they might have joy," right?? I believe that includes kids. --Besides there is no greater joy for a parent than seeing joy in their child. Liam and Daniel both like to tattle in their prayers... "Bless Daniel to stop eating in the prayer." "Bless Liam to close his eyes and fold arms." "Bless Caleb to stop making noises." Daniel and Liam have become more thoughtful in their prayers. They often remember those (especially the kids) who don't have houses or food to eat. In the last week or two Daniel asks Heavenly Father to bless Jesus. Tonight he also asked him to bless the Army of Helaman with the 2000 stripling warriors. I know those prayers have been answered! I think it's insightful that he asks the Lord to bless others. Sometimes as an adult I get too stuck on myself and everything that I need. He also asks that everyone will be righteous. (Sounds like missionary material to me!) They always pray for good dreams and a fun day. I keep saying it over and over, but I will say it again. I learn so much from my boys. I'll publish this now, but I may add to it as I remember more that's been said. Daniel: Bless that no one will get in car accidents, except stealers (robbers, thieves). A six-year-old's charity only goes so far. ;) April 1, 2011


The Polka Dot Apron said...

I love it!! Great idea writing everything down. Kolton has been praying for my sister and he always asks the Lord not to give her any more pokies (shots). It's refreshing to see another HP fan out there! The books on tape are what have kept me going as we've been packing up our house for another move. Good luck with everything!

Kim said...

That is so great. there are so many things that I forget to write down. I love that you are documenting their prayers, it is great insight for us. Such sweet little boys that you have Michelle.