Friday, April 29, 2011

Caleb's Chinny Chin Chin

Sends My 3 Little Boys to the ER

Yesterday, I told the boys to grab their helmets and scooters so I could video tape Daniel for a class talent show. Caleb came running up the steps from the back yard and THUD! He hit his chin on the top step. I saw his mouth full of blood and didn't know how serious it was so I picked him up and put him on the counter to get a better look. I tried to give him a popcicle, but he was too hurt to be interested. His head had been down, so I didn't see the big cut under his chin at first. When I did see it, I knew our evening would be rerouted to the ER. Yikes. The gash was over an inch wide. I tried to apply pressure which made Caleb totally freak out. I told Daniel and Liam that we needed to go to the hospital and they got really upset for Caleb. Liam started crying. He was so worried that Caleb would need stitches. Daniel kept saying that they needed to sew Caleb's chin back on. I had to mellow them out and told them that their job was to keep Caleb calm so he wouldn't be scared.
Caleb fell asleep in the car on the way to the hospital and I know that you're not supposed to let people with head injuries sleep (maybe that only applies to bigger injuries, but I worried a little, since I don't know how hard he hit the step). I had his brothers trying to talk to him and moving his legs around to try to keep him awake. It didn't really work. We drove to the ER and drove around and around and around, looking for a parking spot. Finally I flagged someone down who was leaving, and followed her out to get her parking spot. (I kept thinking, I know Caleb will be fine, but what if this was a much more urgent emergency?? I guess I'd just have parked next to the ambulance. It also reminded me of comedian, Brian Regan's skit! "No, no, after you!")

I stood in line with Caleb and sent the boys to some seats where they colored. (Good thing we always keep the bag of paper, crayons, and books in the car--Sunday entertainment.) As we stood in line and then waited for a few hours, a few things became very clear...First of all, I love my family. Secondly, I wouldn't trade our "owies" for anyone else's. The ER is quite a collection of crazy people. One guy tried to threaten the security guard if he didn't let him in immediately to see his sick sister. (He was escorted from the building along with about 30 others of his very vocal family.) The boys were a little scared by this. Daniel was our comic relief when he accidently leaned against the emeregency exit door too heavily and set off the alarm (he was watching crows out the window)! He was pretty embarrassed, but no one seemed to care.

Finally, we got in and Caleb was telling everyone he got a chin owie. He seemed totally fine, so I had to laugh when Daniel kept hovering, stroking his arm, telling him to, "Stay calm, you're doing great, stay calm." (I guess he took my lecture to heart.) I think Daniel was truly impressed by Caleb's bravery. Liam and Daniel couldn't get close enough. They were so curious about what the doctor would do. The doctor decided that Sure Close, a glue bandage would be enough. The nurse washed out the cut with cold water (Caleb didn't cry but he started shivering). Then to keep it clean they taped a gauze bandage on his chin. We told Caleb it looked like a Santa beard, but he didn't like that. That made him cry. The doctor glued him shut, but we are all wondering if it will last. Part of it was already peeling off that night. Today it looks like it is half off. It's not supposed to come off for 5 days. Hopefully, we won't have a return appointment anytime soon. Nathan and I were laughing that his chin cost us more than bringing him into this world!

More than once our pediatrician has told us how amazing it is that we hadn't had any ER visits with three boys. I guess it was inevitable.

P.S. Poor Daniel had to change his talent, because it was too dark to video tape. He decided to make cookies to bring as his talent instead. I think his class enjoyed it, but he was really disappointed. Poor Daniel.

1 comment:

Troy and Rach said...

Oh wow and ow! Glad everything turned out alright. Hope your move went well, also.