Tuesday, April 19, 2011

From Snaggletooth to Toothless

Daniel has had two loose teeth for a long time. He finally wiggled one out last week (there was already another one broken through underneath). Since the one on the bottom had already fallen out, and the one left on top was so loose that it hung crooked, he looked a lot like a jack o' lantern. I kept calling him snaggletooth and I hoped that he'd get bumped again to knock it out. I tried scaring him while he was wiggling it. (What a mean mom!--Just wait till you hear what Dad did!) Nathan was rough-housing with the boys on Sunday. He was teasing them, stealing their blankets. I guess he whipped away the blanket, which somehow caught on the tooth and that was that!
This is a pretty funny picture, but I love Daniel's new toothless smile! He keeps sticking his tongue through the hole and can't resist showing his brothers the convenient space for a straw. Now he'll sing, "All I want for Spring Break is my Two Front Teeth".

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love the toothless smiles, they are the best!