Saturday, April 30, 2011

Helping Hands Service Project

This year the prophet has challenged each stake and ward in the church to participate in "helping hands"service projects. Last year our family helped out cleaning up a cemetary. It felt really good to work together where we could make a difference. On our way to this year's project Nathan shared with us something that really touched me. Earlier that week one of his good friends from work asked him about his weekend plans. He mentioned the service project and told him about the work we'd done in the cemetary last year. His friend got teary and thanked Nathan for the work. He explained that he has a baby buried in that cemetary and it meant so much that strangers would take the time to clean it up and honor his loved one. Wow! what a great experience. It feels so great to make a difference to someone. That is the gospel in action.
This year the service project was cleaning up a junior high.. Some people repainted lines, some had gum scrapers, others did general repairs, and we helped a huge group that trimmed back, cleaned out, remulched, and replanted some huge planter boxes.

It was a full long day but the boys worked the whole time. They really got into it.

Liam and Caleb loved planting flowers at the end.

Daniel loved shoveling the bark into the boxes.

The school looked so much better when we finished. I was so proud to be a part of it. Service is such a testimony builder. I hope the boys will always remember this experience. I will.

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