Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Splish Splash

With the temperatures rising outside, so does the boy stench! Good thing they love baths. Daniel started wearing his goggles in the bath so he can hold his breath and go underwater. Caleb saw this and started going underwater as well. He loves to see how many rolls he can do before he has to come up for air. The funny thing about Caleb is that he leaves his eyes open--neither of my other two like that. He also lies on his back and goes under with everything but his nose. It reminds me of a hippo with his nose sticking out of the muddy water. Good thing I got everyone signed up for summer swimming lessons this week! It's so close we can hardly wait.
This picture almost looks scary, but I assure you Caleb is having fun. His eyes were open here too-each time he saw the flash he got up and said "No pictures!" and pulled a face.

1 comment:

Kim said...

HAHA! Love that little butt picture. That is so crazy he leaves his eyes open, and I love that he only leaves his nose out... too cute.