Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Potty "Train"ing

Hooray! Caleb is doing really well with his potty training. He earned "Salty" (the red engine) for his track for staying dry and telling us when he needed to go. He has been my fastest learner (I'm sure his brothers' examples help). This past week he had to go while we were at a park but there was no restroom (apparently, there are no mothers of small children on the park planning commitees). Anyway, we made use of a tree (I feel lucky to have all boys at times like these). The next day I kept finding Caleb outside, naked from waist down. He decided there was something to this tree thing. I tried to explain the whole, toilets are our first choice idea but he wasn't having it. Four or 5 tries later I gave up for the day. I guess some of the novelty has worn off because he returned to the toilet the next day. Now he doesn't tell me most of the time when he needs to go, he just goes. After spending forever in the bathroom, waiting on kids to 'do their duty' this is a great place to be. I don't know about it until he comes to find me afterward with underwear and shorts in hand. (Once in a while he gets them back on himself--usually I find out about it when I realize that his shorts, and upon closer inspection his underwear is on backwards!) All in due time!

1 comment:

itsthebaileys said...

Hooray for potty training! Or the end of potty training, I should say. I'm also training my 3rd. We are getting close to being all the way there, so I can feel the excitement of one less in diapers.